Lurvey carries an overwhelming variety of trees, ornamental trees, shrubs, evergreens, broadleaf evergreens, perennials, roses, and sod. To remember all that we carry, and the terminology, can be daunting. However, this guide is designed for direction of all the resources to help you.
A large single stem plant with trunk diameter growth over 3” + and grows over 20 – 25′. Lurvey sells Maple, Hornbeam, Hackberry, Katsura, Ginkgo, Honey Locust, Coffee Tree, Tulip Tree, Sweet Gum, Redwood, Oak, Willow, Linden, Elm, and all the varieties within these Genus. For example, we have 11 varieties of Maple trees, all of which are sold in multiple sizes.
Trees are sold by the caliper size of their trunk– the measurement of trunk 6” from the base 2” 2.5” 3” as example. This is standard landscaping practice throughout industry. Heights and canopies of trees can vary by species and variety. Trees are also sold B&B, which means balled and burlap. For the quality and size of trees we receive, digging the plant as ball and bur lapped is better for the tree and root system for protection of the roots to not be disturbed when installed.
Ornamental Trees
A small deciduous tree that normally has colorful flowers or leaves and generally grows less than 30’ at maturity and grown for aesthetic value more than functional. Lurvey sells Japanese Maples, Serviceberry, Birch, Redbuds, Dogwoods, Beech, Witch Hazel, Magnolias, Crab Apples, Cherry, Fringe Tree. Also includes many varieties of each, there are 11 varieties each of Magnolia and Crab Apple.
These trees can be sold as “tree form” which is single trunk, or as “multi stem” or “clump form” which are both terms used for multiple stems. Birch is the most common form sold as multiple trunks. Unlike trees, ornamentals are sold by height because of their multiple stems, Birch and the other plants are sold as 6’ or 10’ or more.
A plant that does not drop its leaves/needles in Winter and remains green all year. Generally, Evergreens can vary in size from 2” to 80’ tall. Lurvey sells 2 varieties of Fir, 12 var of Cypress, 24 var of Juniper, 19 var of Spruce, 11 var of Pine, 6 var of Yew, 16 var of Arborvitae, and 3 var of Hemlock.
Evergreens are sold by their height when larger than 3’ and by container size for small plants. They are usually sold in containers when small and are B&B at 4’and more. Evergreens do keep their needles but do shed them as they grow from the inside out. A large Spruce or Pine of 20’ or more will have bare stems inside. This process is called shedding and naturally occurs as the plant grows out. Needles drop due to less light in the middle and mostly shed in Fall.
Broadleaf Evergreens
Are a type of shrub/ornamental tree with large green leaves that hold their foliage all year round. They can look like a deciduous plant that sheds its leaves in fall and can produce flowers and berries. Lurvey sells multiple varieties of Boxwood, Euonymus, Holly, Rhododendron and Azalea. Broadleaf evergreens in our area require part sun to shade and winter protection from the wind and sun.
A woody plant that does not grow more than 13-15′ and has several main stems not greater than 3” (no main trunk) arising at or near ground level. The variety of shrubs is large and some, like the witch hazel can be a shrub or can grow to an ornamental tree. Lurvey sells Chokeberry, Barberry, Clethra, Dogwood, Smoke bush, Cotoneaster, Deutzia, Diervilla, Burning Bush, Forsythia, Fothergilla, Hibiscus Rose of Sharon, Hydrangea, Winterberry, Privet, Ninebark, Potentilla, Sumac, Alpine Currant, Willow, Elderberry, Spirea, Lilac, Viburnum, and Weigela. Growth can vary greatly in all types of plants. We also sell 30 varieties of Hydrangea that can range in size from 2’ to 12’.
A plant that lives for many years or has a life cycle of more than two years. Grows/flowers in spring and summer, dies to the ground in fall and winter and grows from the roots the next spring. Some ask is a shrub is a perennial, they do leaf out each year, but shrubs are woody plants and do not die to the ground each year. Others say their annual plant re grows each year. Annuals survive only one season but some reseed, those seeds sprout the next spring, not the original plant. Lurvey sells hundreds of perennial varieties that can bloom in spring, summer, or fall, and range in size from less than an inch to eight feet. Perennials include ground covers, vines, grasses, and ferns.
A flowering shrub with many species and thousands of varieties. Lurvey concentrates on shrub rose varieties of knockout, drift, carpet, and a few hybrid teas. Shrub roses have little maintenance, flower spring to fall, and once established require no winter protection.
A rectangular piece that has been cut from grass or turf. Lurvey sod is 2’ x 5’ or 10 sq. ft. Grown in Whitewater Wisconsin on the Lurvey sod farm. At first, Lurvey’s started by growing sod in the late 1970’s, by the mid 1980’s Lurvey garden center was born.
There are several reliable resources available to help in finding correct information needed.
Morton Arboretum – www.mortonarb.og
Once on site choose “Plant and Product”, gives a choice of headings “Search trees and plants” and “Trees and plant care”. Trees and plants selection has categories of trees, grass, groundcover, perennials, shrubs, and vines. Or you can type in a specific plant for information. Tree and plant care have many categories: “Plant selection” gives advice for right plant for the right site. “How to care” is a care guide for any selected plant. “Solve a problem” list articles of many common issues of pest and disease. Additionally, “Northern Illinois tree species list” is a complete guide to all trees grown in northern Illinois. “Plant health care reports” list past arboretum newsletters of pest or disease or relevant information of that week.
Missouri Botanical Gardens –
Once on site choose the heading “Garden and Gardening”. This leads to the “Plant Finder”. This option gives a search field to find information about any plant or to narrow the search for a specific situation like attracting butterflies. Additionally, “Help for the home Gardner” gives monthly tips on what to do that month and articles on monthly gardening duties.
Lurvey website –
Our website. The headers gives many options: “Products” list all that Lurvey sells and information on it. “Services” list planting, design, delivery and Lurvey connect. “Resources” list product information, our Know and Grow information sheets. “Blog post” and “Video quick takes” both have a number or topics on plant care, hardgoods, plants, furniture and all thigs Lurvey. “Events” list all upcoming events. “About” list our history, guarantee, policies, contacts, employment, and our staff.
Lurvey Dream Garden Inspiration Book
Finally, a physical book which is an “Inspirational guide curated to help you to discover plants that will best fit your landscape and create the outdoor oasis of your dreams”. It contains a watering and planting guide, plant descriptions and photos, index of common and botanical names, height and width, exposure, habit, and season of interest.