- Contains nitrogen, potash, and iron. Nitrogen promotes top growth and a deep green color. Potash thickens the wall structure (blades)of the grass. Iron prevents yellowing by aiding the development of chlorophyll.
- The 28-0-12 fertilizer has three types of nitrogen for a quick release, intermediate, and slow release for extended feeding.
- Apply Andersons Lawn Food from June through the end of August. No sooner than 30 days after the weed and feed application. 18 lb. Bag, 5,000 sq.ft. coverage.
- Apply to a dry lawn and water in to activate.

Fall Andersons Lawn Food 24-0-14
- Contains nitrogen, potash, and iron. With quick, intermediate, and slow release nitrogen.
- Apply from September through November. No sooner than 30 days after summer lawn application. 18 lb. Bag, 5,000 sq.ft. Coverage.
- Apply to dry lawn and water in to activate