Fert Pre-Emergent 15-0-0+.28% Barricade 50lb

Fert Pre-Emergent 15-0-0+.28% Barricade 50lb

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$31.99 / ea.

6 in stock

SKU: FERTPE150000BAR Categories: ,


Fertilzer combined with the pre-emergent 'Barricade' contains Prodiamine and is designed for the pre-emergent control of grassy and broadleaf weeds in established turfgrass and many other non-crop areas. Barricade must be applied previous to the seed germination or following the removal of existing weeds in order to obtain control of target weeds. Generally mid-March through mid-April. Fortify-N is a nitrogen stabilizer that contains a urease inhibitor to reduce ammonia volatilization. Less volatilization means more nitrogen more efficiently going to work

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