High Format Grand Ledge Wall Limestone

High Format Grand Ledge Wall Limestone

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$52.99 SQ FT

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SKU: RSWGLWALIBU Categories: , ,


The look of natural ledgestone: bold in scale, with consistent dimensions for faster installation. Intended for linear applications. Grand Ledge is an engineerable wall system with capabilities of 5 to 6 gravity walls with optimal site conditions, 24 unique wall textures, long term durability, and four additional 5-sided blocks can be used as 90-degree returns.

Sizes: 36″, 48″, 60″, 72″
Height: 12″
Depth: 20″
Face Feet Per Bundle: 18
Linear Feet Per Bundle: 18
Units Per Bundle: 4
Weight Per Bundle: 4,000 Lbs.