Prosoco Restoration Cleaner 1G

Prosoco Restoration Cleaner 1G

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Sure Klean® Restoration Cleaner is a concentrated compound formulated as a carbon solubilizer. Used properly, it cleans brick, granite, sandstone, terra cotta, many exposed aggregate surfaces and other masonry except limestone, marble, or concrete.

• Not suitable for cleaning of limestone, concrete, or marble surfaces.

Coverage Per Gallon
Clay Pavers – 125-400 square feet
Unpolished Granite 200-500 square feet
Unpolished Sandstone 125-400 square feet

Porous Masonry: Use concentrate during initial testing. If concentrate cleans effectively, run tests with diluted solutions of up to 3 parts water to 1 part concentrate. Use the mildest effective solution based on test results.
Nonporous Masonry (glazed brick & terra cotta): Dilute with 1 to 3 parts water to 1 part product concentrate, depending on test results. Sure Klean® Restoration Cleaner is an acidic product and may etch polished and glazed surfaces. Etching can be controlled by dilution.

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