The Andersons Crabgrass Preventer Fert. 26-0-6
The Andersons Crabgrass Preventer Fert. 26-0-6
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99 in stock
The Andersons Crabgrass Preventer Plus Lawn Food 26-0-6 is Application 1 of The Andersons Lawn Program. Containing pre-emergent weed control and fertilizer, this product should be applied in the spring prior to weed germination. Dimension, the active ingredient, will protect your lawn from grass and broadleaf weeds such as crabgrass, goosegrass, foxtail and henbit. If additional control is necessary, this product may also be applied in the fall. With the exception of dichondra and bentgrass, The Andersons Crabgrass Preventer Plus Lawn Food 26-0-6 is safe to use on cool and warm season turf types.