Add color to your space this summer. Here are a few trees and shrubs that provide color in spring or all season long. Spring is the time best known for a wide variety of blooming shrubs including Judd Viburnum. It is a favorite that provides enticingly fragrant pinkish-white blossoms in May. It’s a great choice by the doorway or patio where everyone will enjoy its fragrance.

Also on stage in early May are Azaleas and Rhododendrons, with their electric pink and purple color and Kerria, with almost lime green foliage and bright yellow flowers and a love of shade. Don’t forget Weigela with its dark pink blossoms and, in some varieties, dark red foliage that adds dramatic color in the garden all season long.
As for trees, Crabapple is known and loved in our area for its spring blossoms, with its many varieties of size and bloom color. These plants bloom around Mother’s Day, and they let us know that spring is really here. Other spring blooming trees include Magnolia, Serviceberry, Ornamental Pears and Dogwood, all of which add color to the landscape as the season begins.
As spring blends into summer, we cannot forget the roses that come in so many sizes, types, color and fragrance options. Remember that foliage can also add color. We’ve given several suggestions about shrubs that provide color through foliage, and grasses can too. Consider Hakonechloa Grass, which is lime green, or Japanese Blood Grass, which is red and green.

It’s time to add some color to your outdoor living space. All of these options and more are available at Lurvey. Visit us online here and get information for trees, shrubs, perennials and more. Come see what Lurvey Home & Garden Center can help you add to your garden this spring.