In this edition of “Around the Garden Center” we want to talk about how you can get your lawn ready for next year, RIGHT NOW! In fact, the fall, not the spring, is the time to be thinking about preparing your lawn to look it’s best. We want to talk about a couple of techniques you can get started on now to make your yard the envy of the neighborhood.


This technique includes spreading garden mix over bare or low spots and adding seed. This is best done in the fall when the temperatures cool and the rainfall increases. At this time of year weeds are in decline so you will have less weeding to do than if you tried overseeding in the spring.


This step involves spreading compost lightly throughout the lawn to build the soil underneath. Remember, what you see on top (in terms of green lawn) depends entirely on what lies beneath (in terms of healthy soil)! Compost adds organic matter to build the soil and is an important fall chore in the interest of next season’s lawn. Lurvey carries a full line of turf fertilizers for your lawn.

Core Aerating

This mechanical process removes plugs of soil to provide additional oxygen to the roots, enabling them to better absorb nutrients and water. It also increases the activity of soil microorganisms and prevents fertilizer runoff. Aeration is best done in the fall when the roots of the lawn are not actively growing.

Come visit us to get what you need to start working on preparing that lush lawn as the cooler fall temperatures approach. We also just received our fall décor and seasonal plant items such as mums, pansies, cabbage, kale, and other fall season annuals. As always, we look forward to seeing you “Around the Garden Center!”