There is a belief that plants don’t need to be watered during the winter, but in some cases, that is incorrect. The cold winter temperatures are not the only problem for your plants, the lack of moisture in cold winter air along with drying winter winds can strip your plants of moisture. It may seem as though plants can get plenty of moisture from snow and ice that is abundant in the winter, but this is not the case. Frozen water is in the wrong physical state for plants to absorb, so even though plants are dormant and don’t need as much water in winter, they still need some moisture. Watering, as weather allows, is an important part of keeping your dormant plants healthy through the winter.

You shouldn’t have to water your plants and trees more than a couple of times a month to keep them from drying out in the winter and as long as you water early in the day, the water can actually be protective against nighttime freezes. The water in the soil traps heat and helps the area around your plant stay a little bit warmer than the air as the night approaches and temperatures drop. Be careful not to overwater, as plants don’t absorb as much as they would in the warmer months.

Caring for your plants in the winter is less work than in warmer months, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need some attention. Plants and trees may need to be watered about once or twice a month in the winter, as weather allows, in order to keep them healthy. In winter, dry conditions can actually be more damaging than the cold temperatures. Watering plants in winter can be a necessary chore for most gardeners.